13 March, 2019

Re-watching GOT S1

I was really hoping that I would have a fancy HD Amoled (is that a thing?) retina display TV and non bootleg versions so as to better appreciate the intricate craftsmanship that goes into the GOT costumes and set design. Unfortunately, all I've managed to do is watch half of season 1 four times, in a bid to convert the unconverted. On the plus side, the impending ending of the series has spurred me on to actually complete Season 1 and here are my take-aways;

1. This is quite possibly the best made season. The first and last time the show runners had any creative peace and in retrospect, the fastest moving season. Not only were we introduced to Ned Stark, convinced that he was the good guy, the not-so-smart guy, the guy who finally realises that he'd rather play the game (of thrones) than die...but dies anyway. His beheading will go down as a moment in cinematographic history and for years became the main talking point of what differentiates GOT from the rest of the pack.
Image result for ned stark

2. Khal Drogo and Daenarys have been our #couplegoals for so long that we forgotten that she went from abused teen, to forced bride, to Stockholm syndrome sufferer to khaleesi, to mother to widow to mother of dragons in JUST one season.  Sidebar, why aren't we all about #CatNed? that's probably the healthiest relationship in the whole GOT-verse!
Image result for khal drogo and daenerys Image result for ned and catelyn stark 

3. The Starks are dumb. 
Bran 'don't climb-he climbs, don't ride far he rides' Stark
Who at all is parenting Rickon? forget running away and being adopted by a pack of wolves, they literally adopted a pack of wolves to foster him in his own home! 
Catelyn 'jumping to conclusions' Tully-Stark, 
Rob 'what does she look like' Stark. Is that really what you want to know?  (we'll get into how much worse this gets later)
Sansa 'oh Sansa,' Stark. We hate to admit it, but we secretly feel like she eventually got her just deserts so...not much to say there. I mean she was raised to sing, sew, smile and marry well. She became laser focused on the heir to the Iron Throne as expected, no surprise there.
Ned, who after all of Cersei's crimes - pushing a young boy to his death, sending an assassin to finish the job, poisoning the Hand, passing off her brother's kids as the kings, essentially usurping the usurper- he still though it wise to run up on her all "I know what you've done every summer" without back up? underestimating a woman much?
Arya seems to be the only one that doesn't attract TV projectiles but...we're still watching her...closely.

4. I didn't get that Theon wasn't a Stark till much much later, and if we're going to call Danny a victim of kidnapping then let's give Theon the same benefit of the mental health doubt (RE what happens later) but he was Robb's Ride or Die (literally) all through S1 and this makes his subsequent actions even harder to fathom.
Image result for robb and theon

5. So...Ross just up and internally migrated South and ended up in the brothel du jour and eventually confidante to a member of the small council?
Image result for ross Game OF Thrones

6. Missed the fact that Commander Mormont sent an un-dead hand South way back in S1? we've had proof all this time!? now I get why Cersei was so blase about the display from S7...you know the one John Snow went all the way back deep into Nigh King territory in order to grab a 'sample' and led to the death-undeath of Viserion.

7. How did we miss how annoying Jon Snow was? OMG! how did we overlook his pompous sulking? He really knew nothing. "Nobody understands?" my ass.
Image result for john snow maester aemon

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