22 March, 2019

Re-watching GOT S4

Ah yes Season 4. By now, GOT had formally established itself, not only as a very popular award winning series but the word epic was being thrown around like a Lannister throws gold coins. Even those who didn't watch the show knew names of people and places much to their chagrin. The show had become so big that the replacement of a peripheral character's actor created Panic! on the Dancefloor and the most hyped cameo (is it still a cameo if it lasts more than an episode? guest appearance maybe) - Pedro Pascal is making that small screen bank...like a Narcotrafficante-broke our collective hearts

1. Now I'm not saying GOT is racist...in this particular post...but the Dornish story was woefully handled. It was to be a glorious POC-fest that offered an interesting counterbalance to the marked misogyny of the rest of Westeros but alas.

2. Shay...oh Shay. I don't understand Shay. Tyrion would 'before' clip for every negotiation/ assertiveness seminar/class/session/lesson/Facebook post. I don't understand Tyrion. What was his medium-to-long term plan? And in the end, Tywin, the man who always does right by his family...well.

Dear Shay, I know you've been through a lot, and are much braver than I am. I hope you understand my fears in our particular instant. These people are proven killers you see, and I really don't want to die. Remember the story I told you? Both my sister and father irrationally blame me for my mothers death. Let's come up with a plan to stay together that also maximises our mutual security. What do you suggest?

3. I'll say it for all of us: We want more Ser Pounce!

Image result for ser pounce

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4. Why didn't the Night's Watch mutineers kill Ghost? How did they manage to cage him? Why did they keep feeding him?

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5. Why wasn't Myrcella at her brother's wedding? They say she's not a prisoner but...seems pretty prisoner like not to attend the most important event of the decade...and your brother's wedding. I repeat, where are the Dornish ships?

6. Is it just me or does Jon Snow get saved by a Deus ex Machina type set up at every cliffhanger 

******Spoiler Alert!*****

7. How did I miss the biggest plot twist of all? Peytr Baelish told Lysa Tully-Arryn to poison Jon  Arryn?

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