17 November, 2013

Sunshine Salad Bar

Sunshine salad bar serves sandwiches and salads, as one would rightly assume, but this little known establishments a surprisingly varied menu.   In addition to the expected Indian cuisine such as chicken and beef curries with rice. They also serve more "continental" dishes such as fries and grilled chicken. 

16 November, 2013


It seems Gelaterias really are a mark of Cosmopolitan living, because just a block away from Ci Gusta/Koala on 11th Lane, Embassy Road off Oxford Street is yet another one.

15 November, 2013

Liebster award


This award is given to bloggers with less than 200 followers to recognize them and their hard work. I was tagged by the lovely Mz A of http://alawyerinheelsandanapron.blogspot.com/ fame.
The Rules:
1. Each person must post 11 random things about themselves (optional)
2. Answer the 11 questions that the tagger set for you.
3. Choose 11 bloggers who you would like to give the Liebster Award.
4. Create 11 questions for the bloggers you have tagged with the award to answer.

 Answers to Abbie's  Random Questions:

1.What was your first blog post about (not the welcome one)?
About how hard bogging was

2. What's your style sense like? Not a hair out of place or more laid
Laid back

3.Would you rather watch TV or read a book?
Depends on what's on tv and what book

4.R & B or Rap?
R&B!  I used to be a serious hip hop head but right now. ..rap just hurts my headMost of the music I listen to currently is urban, so pop tunes with raps in them, very rarely do I listen to solid rappers who aren't called Drake

5.Homemade cake or bakery/ shop bought?

6.Favourite book and favourite author?
Currently obsessed with game of thrones right now but my fave Author is Agatha Christie.

7.Cupcakes or muffins?

8.Daredevil activity you would attempt if you knew you'd come out
If I knew. ..it wouldn't be daredevil. ..and really. . How would you know. ..I don't want to go out of my way to do dangerous things just because. ...uh uh...sorry life is crazy as is.

9. 5 of your Wardrobe staples? (eg. white shirt, black tee...)

Blue jeansBlack skinnyjeansBlack top,  white shirt,  blue anything

10. Would you wear African print daily if you could?

11.Facebook, Instagram or Twitter
Facebook for life


I really do need to make a special effort to review places not in Osu....Really..but not today, Traffic is yet another club/bar /lounge in Osu, on 6th lane, in a quiet part of Osu RE, close to Greenleaf hotel and Trust Specialist Hospital.